Tuesday 27 October 2009


our last evening together was at the YMCA in Beit Sahour, the base for our trip. we (about 130 internationals and several host families) were treated to a fantastic concert. first a group of local young people performed traditional Palestinian dances. they were terrific - so exciting and uplifting. then musicians from Edward Said Music School played traditional music for us. wonderful stuff which got loud applause and cheers from the audience. much good humour and thanks all round. the evening ended on a surreal note (sorry Alexis) - a rap about Palestine from a young Korean olive picker. imagine watching a very slim young Korean guy, dressed in tee shirt, overshirt and long baggy shorts, confidently rapping about Palestine where you can't understand the language but know you'd agree with every word if you could. all goodness and hope and humanity was there that evening. I was told the Arabic word for it and of course have forgotten, but it means steadfast. it means that the Palestinians have their culture and their traditions and they know who they are and they are here to stay. 

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